Comforting and joyful: a choral holiday season, part one
"You will also hear...a new setting of In the Bleak Midwinter by Portland composer and soprano Carolyn Quick, founding member and soprano section leader for In Medio Choir. Quick, Swatosh...and Lisa Neher are co-founders of Raindrop New Music."
"It’s a mistake to see this as a battle for “wokeness” or representation. What matters is the music. Pop music would be a less vibrant place without Laurie Anderson. Björk, Kate Bush, PJ Harvey, Lizzo or Lorde. Similarly, classical music would be a lot less vibrant without Shaw, Ustvolskaya, [Carolyn] Quick, Monk, and all the rest. As this program demonstrates, femininity is complex."
Eugene Opera Announces Winners for Call for Scores
"The Call for Scores for Songs for Quarantine asked classical composers to send us works written for singers that reflect on the crises that we have faced in 2020. Thematic topics included challenges of quarantine, social distancing, relationships, COVID-19 response, medical heroism, intergenerational concerns, racial issues, poverty, policing, and personal reflections."
"Written and oral testimony by Kavanaugh and/or his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, becomes spoken or sung text mixed with live acoustic and/or electronic sounds in...Portland composer Carolyn Quick’s Stop the Clock and Reinkemeyer’s Opening Up."
"Social media is a key part of how Symphony 21 intends to change perceptions: most audience promotion has taken place online. Quick’s pre-concert talk will use Twitter to maximize interaction."
"Hard-to-cast Miles was sung by college-undergrad soprano Carolyn Quick, whose pure timbre was such that anyone blindfolded would have taken her for a precocious boy treble."